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ali bin abu thalib

by Muslim , at 6:26 AM , has 0 comments

In various battles against the musryik Ali bin Abi Talib always look dibarisan forefront. At the Battle of Badr, Ali was entrusted with the task of holding the banner of Islam. In the battle of Uhud Ali again showed his courage, not even on Khaibar War when Muslim forces find it difficult to attack the enemy who had taken refuge behind the castle. Prophet Muhammad said: "Tomorrow, the Islamic flag will be handed over to someone who I love and be loved Allah and His Messenger. Through hands-is this Khaibar War will be won ".

The next day, the Prophet called Ali bin Abi Talib and handed over the flag of Islam to him, "Take this flag and keep well until God gave victory to thee." Under the rain of arrows the enemy, Ali broke through the enemy fortress courageously. He went up to the fort and tried to open the gate, after successfully opening the gate, he gestured to the Muslim forces to attack enemy forces. As predicted by the Prophet Muhammad, the battle was finally won by the Muslim forces under the command of Ali bin Abi Talib.


Domestic life with Fatimah Ali is very simple, they even sleep on a mattress that is very thin and never sleep well because there is no blanket could warm their bodies.

Prophet Muhammad never visited the house of Fatima. At that time her daughter was dressed in ugly and coarse grinding of wheat. "O Fatimah, accept the bitterness of life in this world in order to obtain pleasure in the Hereafter," said the Prophet to comfort him.

Ali and Fatima endowed with four children. Two men and two women. The Messenger of four children who give names to men Hasan and Husen, while the women are named Zaynab and Umm Kulthum.

Prophet was so fond of her grandchildren. He often picked them and took him out pergi.Beliau he was asked, "O Messenger of Allah, who among your family a very thou love?". Answered by the Prophet, "Hasan and Husen." Then he called them, after they arrived, he hugged and kissed him. Beliaupun said, "Whoever loves Hasan and Husen means love, and whoever hates them is hate."


One day Hasan and Husen ill. Fatimah and Ali bernadzar to God, if his sons recovered, they would fast for three days. Unexpectedly Hasan and Husen said that they also will come fast.

God was pleased to restore the health of Hasan and Husen, and the family of Ali implement Nadzarnya even though they have no food at all for lunch and break.

At that time Ali met anyone Jewish acquaintance named Sya'mun he volunteered to spin wool in exchange for three servings of whole grains. The work was done spinning wool Fatima. On the first day, he finished the third of his job and took the wheat of the same capacity as his wages. It was time to break the fast, they gather to enjoy the bread is still warm. When they'll enjoy the bread, suddenly there came a beggar asking for food. He said, "O Prophet's family, would you give alms to the servant, a poor fakir who had not eaten for many days?". With compassion they give bread to the beggar was and they break their fast together only by drinking fresh water only.

The next day, they continue nadzarnya. At the time of breaking the fast, suddenly heard people call them, "O Messenger of family, I am an orphan, no piece of makananpun dirumahku. Help me, I'm very hungry. "When the doors opened, I saw a skinny little kid with trembling body. Looking at the situation and then they give them bread ready to eat it and return them to break the fast only with fresh water.

On the third day living perkerjaannya Fatimah finish third, after he took over spinning live wheat of the same capacity again. Gandumpun processed into a few pieces of bread to break the fast. When breaking the fast came, they would just hand mnyentuh bread voice calling, "O Messenger of family, I was a newly released prisoner of the infidels. During the captivity I was given no food at all, help me. "The voice came from an emaciated old man. He stood in front of the door. "O Fatimah, no one who shows he came here, he complained of hunger and looked very miserable. He who gives people who are in need, he will get in return in the Hereafter. "Ali said to his wife. Fatima replied, "We've had no more food, the two children we too have looked hungry. O Allah, give them strength. O my husband, please help prisoner, he suffered more than us. "Finally the bread was even then given to the prisoner.

The next day they do not fast anymore, but their bodies are very weak. Fatima and Hasan and Husen go home Prophet Muhammad, to ask for food. He was very sad to see their situation, then hugged her tears. At that time Al-Quran verse came down as follows:
"They perform nadzarnya and fear one day that azabnya evenly everywhere. They give the food he likes to the poor, orphans and people captive. They said: "We give food to you just because of the pleasure of Allah, not because it expects a reply and thank you,". And God's reward to them (with) heaven and (clothing) for their patience silk (Surah Al-Ihsan :7-9 and 12)


When Prophet Muhammad died, Ali care and bathing his funeral prayer. How sad it was left by the Prophet's death. To him he is not just as a messenger messenger of God, but also as an adoptive father in law, the teacher and everything. A few months later the sadness grow because Fatimah Ali, wife dicintainyapun followed his father's death.

After the Prophet's death, the Muslims led by the Caliph Abu Bakr and Ali as his advisers, as well as at the time of Caliph Omar bin Ali Khaththab as well as advisors. At this time Ali suggested to Umar to make calculations in the event hijrah of the Prophet. Umar Ali received advice, then the calculation diberlakukanlah Hijiriyah years since the time of Caliph Omar who continues to the present.
And at the time of Caliph Uthman, Ali was also appointed as advisers. In the reign of Uthman was caused various uprisings Ali tried to quell the rebellion but due to the tough rebel forces then Uthman could not be saved. He was killed in his room when he was reading the Quran.


After the Caliph Uthman martyr killed, the Muslims deliberation to appoint Ali bin Abi Talib became Caliph. Eventually they picked up Ali Bin Abi Talib became Caliph. At the time of the original capital Ali in Medina moved to the city of Kufa in Iraq. Life after becoming the Caliph Ali is no different from a previous life, he remained modest Oran never bother another.

Ali was always around to see the situation of the people. One day he met with a mother who was carrying firewood. Ali said, "Mother may I help bring this wood?", "Oh please dear," replied the mother earlier. Ali bring home firewood old mother earlier. He was thrilled to see the life of this poor old mother. Her children seemed to be waiting for her mother. "Where the husband's mother?" Asked Ali. "My husband is dead, son. He died when it joined the war together with Commander of the Faithful against the infidel. " The mother said sadly.

Hearing the answer, the liver Ali moved not long after he excused himself and the next day Ali came to the house the old woman again, carrying a sack of wheat. "Wheat is for food mothers and children" said Ali. "May God punish merahmatimu and Commander of the Faithful who neglect our attention." The mother said earlier. He had no idea that the man who was in front of the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib.

The woman then get ready to cook wheat and Ali lit the flame. When it came to one of her neighbors. He was surprised when mixed surprised to see Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib was at home. He whispered to the old woman. "Do you not know that men who are light a fire that was Commander of the Faithful." What a surprise, the old woman, he went to Ali and said, "Where should I put my face this. Forgive me O Commander of the Faithful. "" You do not need to apologize to me. I should apologize to the mother of kelalaianku. "Answered Ali.


"People who are looking for meaningful science is to find a way to Heaven, and immoral people who do mean is find a way to hell. So be it, you're the best man before God, and suppose you bad-bad man in yourself and be a useful person in the midst of society ".

"There are three things that can improve hapalan and nourish the body, ie brushing teeth, fasting and reading the Quran. There are four good deeds are hard to do, namely give forgiveness when you're angry, charity when overwritten difficulties, maintain moral turpitude as being aloof and uphold the truth in front of people feared. "

"No prayer is called good if not accompanied by humility. No fasting is called good without any restraint. Not reading the Quran is called good if not pay attention to the contents. Not known as a good knowledge without caution. Not known as a good affluent without generosity. Not good brothers is called without any formed friendships. Not known as a good delicious without preserved. Not known as a good prayer without sincerity "


At the beginning of the Caliph Ali's reign to fire the governor who has been appointed by the Caliph Uthman. They were fired because they are not capable of performing their duties, other than that they depraved, so as not to set an example to the community.

Governor of the country Syria, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, did not accept the dismissal was actually revolted by gathering support from residents Sham, by inciting that Ali was the one who planned the murder of Caliph Uthman and incited so pendudukpun managed to gather an army of 50,000 people in addition to assistance from people who embraced the new religion of Islam as well as assistance from Egypt, then they move toward kekediaman Commander of the Faithful in Kufa. When informed about plans of attack on troops Muawiyah, Ali quickly formed a large army. Meanwhile, Muawiyah troops have arrived in Iraq and set up camp at a place called Shiffin, they immediately closed the road to the river Euphrates for Ali's troops can not take water in a river.

Perangpun was inevitable, but Muawiyah very crafty with his strategy even if forces have successfully repelled Mu'awiya, Muawiyah refused to accept defeat, she plans to put a rotten trick tip of the spear Quran ask peace. Ali troops affected and divided into two groups, there are agreed and not to make peace, even though Ali's own desire for battered continue, because it was just a cunning ploy of Muawiyah, but ended up as more number of troops Ali eventually agreed to make peace and stop the invasion carried out peace ,

In the peace process and even then Muawiyah cheat is for both leaders to put war first position, both Ali and Muawiyah and after it occurs unilaterally elected Caliph Muawiyah, proponents Muawiyahpun membai'atnya immediately and not acknowledge the leadership of Ali as the Caliph. After the incident munculah Kharijites that is, people who disagree with the decision of Ali peace with Mu'awiya, they accuse Ali has become an infidel and they planned to kill Ali.

Kharijites do chaos everywhere, they kill anyone who oppose their decision. Heard that Ali with his army to demolish the nest is in Nahrawan Khawarij troops, after a battered all-out Ali's troops finally managed to crush The Khawarij.

Martyr killed

Those who managed to escape Khawarij grudge to kill Ali, and they point to kill Ali Ibn Muljam with a poisonous sword. At dawn when Ali will go to the mosque he woke residents who are still sleeping, "Arise, O Muslims. May God bless you all. " Ali had just stepped into the mosque of Ibn Muljam poisonous sword slashes from the back towards the head of Ali, and Ali immediately collapsed, flooding the blood. Sebahagian residents to help Ali and Ibn Marjan sebahagian longer pursue and successfully captured.
Ali said before her death arrives "If I stay alive, let me which determines the decision to punish him. However, if I die, punish it according to what he has done to me. You guys do not exceed the limits in the punishing ".

Before his death intestate Ali told his son, "I will saying to you to always be cautious to God. Do not you die, except in a state of Islam. Be firm hold you in the religion of Allah and be not divorced apart. I heard the Messenger of Allah SAW said that the brotherly relations that terbina really well was greater than pray and fast, remember you are God Be firm and hold to the Koran. Do not you be preceded by others in doing good. Be conscious of God in treating the poor, follow them in your life. " "Do not be afraid to face the taunts of people in running the commands of Allah. Allah will protect you from people who intend evil.

Do not forget to instruct others to do good and forbidding the. And saith unto them with good words as God commanded. Do not disconnect your brotherhood and not enmity. Helping each other in goodness and piety, do not help each other in sin and enmity. "

After giving testament to the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib died at the age of 60 years. He served as caliph for 5 years, his remains buried in the town of Kufa, Iraq.

Khulafah Rasyidin known as the four friends of the Prophet Muhammad who became head of the Islamic government, they are:

1. Caliph Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq, ruled for 2 years, 632 s / d 634 CE

2. Caliph Umar ibn Khaththab, ruled for 10 years, 634 s / d 644 M

3. Caliph Uthman ibn Affan ruled for 12 years, 644 s / d 656 AD.

4. Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib ruled for 5 years, 656 s / d 661 AD.
ali bin abu thalib
ali bin abu thalib - written by Muslim , published at 6:26 AM . And has 0 comments
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