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prophet muhammad S.A.W

by Muslim , at 6:01 AM , has 0 comments

"We have not sent thee (hi Muhammad) but to be a Mercy for all the worlds." (Quran s. al-Anbiya: 107)

Cloning of the Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. it is interesting that recognizes the human heart the whole truth, keperibadian Rasulallah clearly explained in the Koran which says that God intends:

"It was by the grace of God (unto Muhammad), thou shalt be gentle to them. Even if you are rude more hard-hearted, they would distance themselves from you. By the ma'afkanlah them (about the mistakes they have done to thee, and beg forgiveness for them, and also consult them in affairs (permasaalahan mundane) that. Then after you berazam (to make something) then put thy trust in Allah. Allah love the sole trust in Him. (al-Quran s. Ali Imran: 159)

This is one of the exemplary character of the cloning of Prophet Muhammad among the many properties owned by Allah's Apostle praised Allah, thus causing the king Prophet have been able to bring a remarkable change on the community of mankind, his trademark Arab society in an age of ignorance.

Before Islam, the world is in darkness, particularly the Arab world. Worship of one God, have exchanged the worship of idols of their own making. Humanity has been swapped to the animalistic traits; the strong oppress the weak, the rich exploit the poor, women serve as a means of satisfying lust nor as to popularize commercial advertising, if their son was born happy, but if they were born female until the liver kill him. Too busy to practice their love with a kind fellow, men with men, women with women, if this continues what will be warranted against mankind in this world, surely they would disappear, their offspring will be cut off, this is what has been practiced by people of Lut.

Before the Arab World Islamic broken to pieces, Yemen is controlled by the Persian Empire, and Habashah, in addition controlled by the heads of tribes. Manazirah Iraq controlled by the subject to the Roman empire. Nejd and Hejaz ruled by Arab tribes that each stand alone. Disunity and enmity among them berlarutan hundreds of years, so the Arabs retreated in many ways.

After Islam under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad Arabs have been brought together, under one leadership. They are becoming a developed Nation in various fields, can even beat two great empire Rome and Persia. Furthermore, the companions have developed kemerata place of Islam in the world.

Islamic Ummah has brought great changes in the East or West. Very sad when Muslims leave Islam which call for truth and justice, and they shipped followers lost in the arena bertuhankan lust, then since it is the Muslims are weak, they can be defeated by the enemies of Islam, so that although the number of Muslims exceeds fifth of the world's population, and has a number of sources of abundant wealth, but it does not bring any benefit. In fact Muslims mocked, insulted, oppressed. All this happens because the error itself the Islamic Ummah, by his time it has come all the Muslims back to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet God willing, the Muslims will get the glory and prosperity which have they ever had at the time of Prophet Rasullah and his companions are elected, God willing.

Rasulallah sawadalah role models are best for us, in all respects, because the Prophet has triumphed brought tremendous changes in all the fields in such a short period (only 23 years old).

Sire has triumphed transform society idolaters, who worship idols, broken to pieces, tribes tribe, ruthless, powerful oppress the weak, the rich exploit the poor, who are good at deceiving the stupid crime even scattered on land and at sea caused by their conduct.

Overall it has been transformed, into a society that only the worship of Allah swt Communities are broken to pieces, tribes tribe, has dipersaudarakan into one cohesive community.

An unjust society, a harmonious society where the weak are protected, defended the poor to their fate, the woman got their rights which they previously had no value, just as a tool for satisfying male lust our other features, instead they killed him alive. The teachings of Islam brought by Prophet sawdari day by day continue to acclaim from the crowd. Quraysh leaders increasingly khuatir, their leadership will shift to leadership of the Prophet By that they worked hard to stymie the development of Islam in various ways. But all their efforts that evil can not insulate a desperate Prophet and loyal followers. Seeing failures they experienced, then the ruling party of Quraysh, starting berlembut and invited to work together to eliminate all differences.

For starters they are able to worship Allah swt in one period and another in the same prophet s.a.w. and Muslims are asked to worship idols that they create. All solicitation ansur reject this misleading, also ditegah to practiced.

We are forbidden to worship the creature, as there is (whether) he is an idol, man, or haiwan etc..

God swtberfirman intentioned: "Say (O Muhammad): 'O unbelievers. I will not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship. I never worship what you worship. And you also do not ever worship what I worship. For you your religion, and to me my religion. "
( :1-6)

This sound is actually the Faith and Unity. We strictly forbidden menyengutukan God with anything. All sins except the sin God will ampunkan mensyarikatkan (menyengutukan) of God, will not be forgiven by Allah swt

The leader of Quraysh became angry, they are trying too hold a variety of other pressures, which kemuncaknya by taking a joint decision, for the Prophet memulaukan sawdan his faithful followers, that the Prophet and followers become weak and give up. Quraysh leaders held a meeting and take a decision that read, and hung on the Ka'bah, as a decision that must be implemented and adhered to by all the tribe of Quraish to the Prophet memulaukan He and the Bani Hashim, including the contents of the decision were:

(1) Prohibit all Quraysh trade deal with the Prophet and the followers of the Prophet especially the sons of Hashim and Bani Muttalib.

(2) May not hold a marriage with Muslims.

(3) Prohibit anybody to hang out with Muhammad and his followers.

(4) The Quraish will cooperate and assist sesiapa are available hostile to Muhammad and his followers.

Text of the agreement was ratified by all the leaders of Quraysh and held firmly.

Abu Talib the father of his prophet s.a.w. as a major supporter and defender of the Prophet s.a.w. pick up all the relatives of the prophet sawdari descendants of Bani Hashim, and ask them to be responsible and to defend the Prophet Prophet's relatives sawSemua instead of the Bani Hashim directed gathered in an arid valley, known by the name of the valley of Abu Talib. Pemulauan runs for three years. This injustice is beyond humanity, forced ditangggung by all the family of Bani Hashim, in an atmosphere of lack of food and beverages, so there is a forced-umbut umbut eat grass, animal skins, and so for the sake of filling the stomach was in hunger.

Setamatnya pemulaun Quraysh against the Prophet s.a.w. and the Prophet's tribe of Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib, the Prophet Muhammad king do not stop preaching, even the Prophet continued his struggle to invite people to the right path.

At one time, the Prophet went to Ta'if to invite the shakif to Islam, the Prophet's too bad calls met with ridicule and stone throwing by the lawlessness there, so the blood streaming down your body Prophet caused by stones and other hard objects. Nevertheless the Prophet only pray: "O Allah give guidance to my people, they really do not know"

Thanks to the patience and persistent efforts in the struggle, the human heart begins to open to Islam, especially those who have been persecuted and tyrannized. They embraced Islam, and the teachings of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad They are attracted especially to the Holy Prophet keperibadian simple like helping the poor, orphans and widows, to love those who are weak, willing to forgive an enemy, hate violence, cintakan science, resulting in a short period (23 years) Islam spread rapidly throughout the Arabian peninsula of land.

Prophet s.a.w. so kasihkan his wife Siti Khadijah, so the king to live in harmony and peace with his wife until his wife Khadijah died, the wife of the prophet for 28 years only a simple Kadijah. Other berkahwin Prophet after the death of Siti Khatijah. Amongst the new wife of the Prophet, the girl Ayesha siti only one. Most of the others consist of widows to save the orphans, who became their dependents, and the subsequent marriage of the Prophet also to attract the tribes to Islam.

Quraishi Hudaibiya Violate Treaty

When the Quraysh violated the agreement with the Prophet Banu Bakr in which their allies had attacked and killed the Khuza'a, then the Holy Prophet to ask for help Khuza'a So the Prophet s.a.w. with 10,000 people set off for the Muslim army launched a counterattack and above the Quraysh in Makkah. Previously entered the city of Mecca in advance of the Prophet Muhammad advising the army of Islam, so do not kill the elderly, women, children, not menceroboh and pervert the plant, do not kill haiwan, for not until much kerosakan. The Prophet also called on anyone who closes the door of each home they will be safe, whoever took refuge in the Ka'ba he would survive, even after Abbu Sufyan (Chairman of the Quraysh) to Islam, the Prophet also provide an opportunity whoever took refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan also guaranteed his safety.

While in preparation for war suddenly Saad bin "Ubada said:" Today is the day of battle, all that is forbidden permissibility day ... .. '

This has disobeyed the Prophet s.a.w. where Muslims are prohibited from killing the inhabitants of Mecca. Hence the Prophet took the command flag from the hands of Sa'ad and handed over to his son Qais, terselamatlah Makkah from becoming victims of war, thus the city of Makkah has been can be mastered by saving the busy lives of their innocence. Not only that even the Prophet s.a.w. General has provided forgiveness, including those who have made lots of mistakes and the injustice and persecution to the prophet and his followers. Prophet s.a.w. say

"Go ye sekaliah. You are now free. "

Upon entering the city of Mecca the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. issued orders so that no one was killed, lest any bloodshed. Those who have made many mistakes and khuatir slain, and hid themselves, but eventually came out well after witnessing how affectionate the Prophet which has mengampun a gang, they finally came out and came to the Prophet begged to be forgiven, and the Prophet s.a.w. forgive him.

Busy man terkeliru against Islam because they do not know Islam, and crowded the vile accusations to the Prophet Muhammad, because they do not know who the king. Will remain for those who mahu memoir examines the Prophet Muhammad will admit about how high the Holy Prophet keperibadian sehinggakan Islamic Ummah can sacrifice anything for their love to the Prophet Muhammad

Dimuatnaik on: Wednesday 9 muharam 1427
prophet muhammad S.A.W
prophet muhammad S.A.W - written by Muslim , published at 6:01 AM . And has 0 comments
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