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prophet ilyas AS

by Muslim , at 7:35 PM , has 0 comments

He was a messenger of Allah. There has been disagreement between him and his people about the idol named Ba'l. Elijah called for in the way of Allah and invites his people but his people ignore it. They tend to Ba'l.

Finished pages of the world and their lives presented before Allah on the Day of Resurrection. Allah tells it in his word:

"And verily, Elias was one of the apostles. (Remember) when he said to his people: 'Why would you not be cautious? Pantaskah Ba'l you worship and you leave the Best Creator, namely Allah, your Lord and God of your fathers earlier? " But they denied him, so they will be dragged (to hell), except the servants of God are cleansed (of sin). And We left for Ilyas (praise the good) in the obstruction of people who came later. (Is) delegated welfare top Ilyas? Thus indeed do We reward hepada people who do good. For he was servant of Our believing servants. " (As-Saffat: 123-132)

Only short verses that Allah mentioned this to do with the story of Elijah. And the most powerful opinion is an opinion stating that Elijah was a prophet named Ilya in the Torah. Gospel of Barnabas argued Ilya advice. Of the advices are not so well known in the Torah. We will mention these advices because in it there is a deep wisdom and sincerity. The message contained in the gospel of Barnabas from verse 23 to verse 49. Mentioned in it that

"Ilya is the servant of God. It is written for everyone who wants to walk with God their Creator. Those who like to learn a lot then he will be a little afraid of God. For those who fear Allah then he will feel satisfied to know what -what God intended it. Let those who want to do good righteous deeds, pay attention to them because someone will not benefit when they discover the world's benefit while he discovered the loss. Further, let people who teach others seeking to better better than others because it will not benefit the advice given by people who do not practice what he says. For how wrong one can improve his life while he heard a worse of him trying to teach him. Then let those who seek God's trying to escape from conversations with people because of Moses when he was alone on the mountain Saina 'then he found God and dialogue with him as a lover of dialogue with her lover. And let those who seek God's trying to get out once every thirty times the usual spot at associations made by the world community. Because maybe he could do a charity in a single day but counted his charity for the past two years, especially with regard to work there it will seek pleasure of Allah. Let when he spoke did not look in any direction except to the the two legs, and when he speaks should say something important. Let not stand up when he ate from the table in a state of satiety. And let them think every day it may be that they will not meet the next day. And let them really utilize their time as they always breathe. Let the clothes of animal skins enough for them. Let them every night trying to sleep no more than two hours. Let them try to stand in the middle of the prayer with fear.

Work all this in order to serve Allah SWT by upholding Shari'a His Allah bestowed on you through the prophet Moses. Because in this way, you will find Allah and you will feel at every age and place that you are under the auspices of Allah and He will always be with you. "So what is mentioned in the Gospel of Barnabas through writing Ilya.
prophet ilyas AS
prophet ilyas AS - written by Muslim , published at 7:35 PM . And has 0 comments
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