" Bush Dynasty is a dynasty and they made the Jewish Talmud as a holy book . They thought was a big mistake as a Christian family . They rode Christianity to deceive the Christian world . In fact , they are Talmudis devout family , "according to Texe Marrs .
We certainly have heard a lot about the Talmud . But not many people know what the verses . Here we show a number of Talmudic passages that form the basis of all actions of the Zionists against the non - Jewish ( or Gentilles Ghoyim ) , and from it you will be able to " understand " why the Zionists always selfish , always betrayed the agreement , and forth . This is their holy verses :
" Only Jews are human beings , while the non- Jews are not humans , but animals . " ( P.78 6b Kerithuth , Jebhammoth 61a )
" The non-Jews were created as slaves to serve the Jews . " ( Midrasch Talpioth 225 )
" The birth rate of non - Jews should be as small as possible . " ( Zohar II , 4b )
" The Gentiles must be shunned , even more than sick pigs . " ( Orach Chaiim 57 , 6a )
" God ( Yahweh ) is never angry with the Jews , but only the ( angry ) to those non - Jews . " ( Talmud IV/8/4a )
" Everywhere they ( the Jews ) dating , they will be the princes of the king. " ( Sanhedrin 104a )
" Against a non- Jew does not make Jews adultery . Could be exposed to penalties for Jews only when the Jews committed adultery with another , the wife of a Jew . Non - Jewish wife is not included. " ( Talmud IV/4/52b )
" There is no wife for the non - Jewish , they were actually not his wife . " ( Talmud IV/4/81 and 82ab )
" Jews must always try to menipudaya those non - Jews . " ( Zohar I, 168a )
" If two Jews deceive non - Jews , they have to split the profits . " ( Choschen Ham 183 , 7 )
" Keep constantly selling and buying with those of non - Jews , if they had to pay money for it . " ( Zarah Zarah 2a T )
" Land of the non - Jew , belongs to the Jews who first used it . " ( Babba Bathra 54b )
"Everyone should Jews use lies and perjury to bring a non - Jew to fall . " ( Babha Kama 113a )
" Ownership of non - Jewish people like that are not owned desert , and everybody ( every Jew ) who seize it , meaning it has to have it . " ( Talmud IV/3/54b )
" The Jews should exploit the mistakes of non - Jews and deceived . " ( Talmud IV/1/113b )
" The Jews were allowed to practice usury against non-Jews . " ( Talmud IV/2/70b )
" When the Messiah ( Jewish Last King or Queen of Justice ) dating , all will be slaves of the Jews . " ( Erubin 43b )
This is a small portion of black Talmud passages . This is the ideological foundation of the Zionists in his life . Every Saturday is considered sacred ( Shabbath ) , they recite the Talmud all day and examine the verses above . They regarded the Jews as a race are the sole right to be called human . Meanwhile, outside the Jewish race they consider to be an animal , including those liberals who actually serve the interests of the Zionists .