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Against the influence of Healing Prayer

by Muslim , at 5:57 AM , has 0 comments
Against the influence of Healing Prayer - Commission on Scientific Signs of Qur'an & SunnahIs an agency assessment aspects Science & Technology in the Qur'an and Sunnah . Founded in 1987 under the Natural Rabithah suvervisi in Makkah Al - Islami Mukarromah . Originator is a Yemeni cleric , Sheikh Abdul Majid Zendani . He is a pharmacist who is very dominate modern science , interpretation and hadith . Now led by Sheikh Dr . Abdullah Al - Mushlih , a cleric of Saudi Arabia.
Each of us visited the sick , we always pray for God's healing to be given . However , the extent to which our beliefs to the effect that we say the prayer for healing people we visit again? Are we just recite habits , in other words merely spoken orally , without the accompaniment of the belief that prayer ' is one of the treatment methods that are taught satau Rasululullah Saw to his people .
So , what is the effect of prayer on healing ? This is what Dr studied . Dhiyak Husen Al - Haj , a health expert in the field of rheumatic Britain , a member of the Association of Pain Medicine and Acupuncture Association of the United Kingdom and also a member of Back Pain Treatment With Laser in America .
In an experiment that did incorporate modern treatment methods with methods Prophet ( Thibbunnabawi ) in order to know with certainty how effective laser coupled with a prayer in treating back pain / spine suffered by the patient .
Dr Dhiyak explained that the disease bagain back / spine is the most common man today after rheumatism , based on visits by the patient to the doctor . In various studies described that nearly 80% of the current inhabitants have suffered from lower back pain in their lifetime .
Notice any side effects from medications and health experts concentrate only on physical aspect without care about the spiritual aspect of it appears to use a variety of offers comprehensive treatment ( finisher ) such as chemotherapy , acupuncture , laser and physical treatment such as meditation - psiskis ( muses ) and prayer for kesmebuhan .
Based on these thoughts I combine with modern treatment methods pengoatan Prophet ( Thibbunnabawi ) in research / experiments that I did . It tersbeut I do to find out for sure effectiveness Laser with a prayer in treating back pain suffered by the patient .
I apply the method to 40 patients their age ranges between 30 to 65 years . All of them are people with back pain for more than three months . The patients were divided into two groups . The first group to use a laser beam light only in the places / acupuncture points as much as 40 points in all of their bodies . The second group to do the same thing , but coupled with the prayer of the Holy Apostles taught :
أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يشفيك
" I begged the Almighty Allah , the Lord of the glorious throne so pleased heal "
I read the du'a seven times, each time using laser acupuncture point , without being heard and acknowledged by the patient that I use prayer to avoid misperceptions .
Assessment of pain level and extent of the patient's ability to bend ( bowing ) transactions are carried out immediately after completion of therapy , then after 4 weeks , 8 weeks , 12 weeks and after 6 months .
The result was amazing. Group using the prayer was already experiencing significant secera healing process since the completion of therapy and continued to increase his recovery until after the next six months . While that does not use prayer megalami only minor changes since the completion of therapy and after a few weeks only . After two months the pain came back .
Subahanallah ...
An expert study a very admirable and be credible . Therefore , Scientific Institute in the Qur'an and Sunnah ( Commission on Scientific Signs of Qur'an & Sunnah ) invites you to multiply prayer while facing illness , whether that illness was the wife / husband , children , relatives and intimates who just that you visit . With full confidence Allah granted your prayers . You will definitely see the results with the permission of Allah .
Any severe illness , then do not ever despair of the grace of God . Obligations we ask Almighty Allah , Lord of the great throne so pleased our diseases .. Amen ..( Al - I'jaz Magazine Al - Ilmi No. 30 , Jumada al- End 1429 )
Against the influence of Healing Prayer
Against the influence of Healing Prayer - written by Muslim , published at 5:57 AM . And has 0 comments
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