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Many Muslims who do not know about the Salafi and Wahabi

by Slow Area , at 4:56 PM , has 0 comments
Many Muslims who do not know about the Salafi and Wahabi - When voa - linked Islamic preaching Salafi- Wahabi , there are still many people who are not Muslims lay out what it is and what Salafi Wahabi . Of some network SMS and Facebook ( FB ) received voa - Islam , they want to know further particulars of Salafi - Wahabi .
In order not to get lost and consumed with the fragmentary information that , at least know the map of the problem , it is necessary to explain what the Salafi and Wahabi . Insha Allah , we will describe it in a few posts .
As is known , the phenomenon of Salafi missionary presence in Indonesia since the decade of the 80s until now enough public attention missionary movement . Previously , the term " Salafi " and " salafiyah " is often used by Islamic schools Nahdlatul Ulama ( NU ), which is often synonymous with the term " traditional " .
Essentially , there is no problem with the term " Salafi " . Because , literally means to follow the Salaf , the Holy Prophet and the Companions . Every Muslim is certainly determined to emulate the Prophet and the companions and his tabi'in . Generation he ( the Prophet ) , his friend and tabi'in this is the best generation people . Iniah generation called the Salaf al- Salih .
In the tabi'in and afterwards , in order to face the thoughts and beliefs of heresy , as Kharijites , Shi'ites , Qadariyah , Murji'ah , Mu'tazilah and others , the emergence of the term Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah . This term must affirm Muslims to adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah , and the Muslims to unite in it .
In the present context , the presence of the contemporary Salafi movement has a number of positive values ​​in the form of efforts to revive the Sunnah , shirk combat and innovation , emphasizing the reference to the scholars who are recognized by the scientific and other Muslims .
Simply put , salafi means the people of today who follow the Salaf generation . So, the question is Salaf of Islam beginning three generations ( generation of the Prophet and the Companions ra , Tabi'in generation and gerenasi Tabi'ut Tabi'in ) that is often called the Salaf As- Salih , ie the Muslims are pious predecessors . The term Salafi refers to the definition , a person who follows the teachings of Salaf Salih ra . The plural form ( plural ) of Salafi is Salafiyun or Salafiyin .
According Am Waskito , " To be honest , in fact the majority of people today, they are sensible Salafi . That is, those who follow in the footsteps Salaf Salih , the Prophet , the Companions , the tabi'in and tabi'ut tabi'in . They follow the teachings left by the best generation in the history of Islam. "
However , unfortunately , there are some people who want to monopolize the claim to be the sole heir of greatness Salaf Salih . In other words , no one has the right to claim the name of the Salaf ( Salafi ) , except themselves . There are some people that claim and pride in pride themselves Salafis , but his days busy to vilify other groups . As a result , disputes among themselves involved sharp , some are parting ways , split , to sow discord .
" Some people who claim to be the true Salafi , but forcing others to follow their opinion on issues that actually are ijtihadiyah or khilafiyah ( in terms of fiqh ) . Then a different opinion to him , would be treated unfairly , even considered enemies to watch out for . For example , the issue isbal ( trousers above the ankle ) that actually khilafiyah debated issues as big problems , " said Ustadz Abduh Zulfidah Akaha , author of the book " Learning from Salafist Ustadz Morals " .
AM Waskito and Abu Abdirrahman Al Thalibi ( in the book he wrote ) called Salafi Islamists who like blaspheming others as Salafis Extreme . As for Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al - Maqdisi call with Salafi Murji'ah .
The term Salafi is disputed
According to Abu Abdirrahman Al Thalibi ( Salafi Da'wah Da'wah author of Wisdom ) , the language , the phrase " Ana Salafi ! Sentence is ambiguous . When translated it means , " I am Salafi ! Salaf means first , past , or the past. Salafi means ancient people . Not many people are living in today saying , " I am a long time ago .
Ana Salafi sentence ! If related to the Salaf As- Salih , meaning vanity . Where someone or partly oranf feel themselves have become followers of Salaf Salih best . It must be realized that the Salaf Salih are the ancestors of all Muslims , not just belong to a particular group .
" I do not worry if it is not referred to as Salafi or Salafiyun . In my opinion , this title is not important , but more important is the practice . Even people around , consider me as a Salafi , without me forcing the title to them , "wrote Thalibi .
One day Al Thalibi a discussion about the term Salafi . Shaykh Al Albani suggests an authentic hadith , the Holy Prophet said to Fatimah ra , "The best Salaf for you ( O Fatimah ) is I ( the Prophet himself ) . (Reported by Muslim ) .
After reading this argument , Thalibi feel confident Shaykh Al Albani have found the arguments qath'i ( clear and firm ) who has shown that the use of the term Salafi Islamic Shari'a compliant . DSDB up when writing the book , he still received a designation Salafi .
In a footnote , Al Thalibi said , however, both Fatima and the companions , none of whom told the family or the people who will they leave , that they are to be left to the Salaf . In fact , no one ever mentioned hadith that the friends called themselves the Salaf , or Salafi .
Though naming " salafi " is correct according to the rules of the language , but claimed that it is sunnah , is something that needs to be questioned . Indirectly because it is tantamount to discrediting the friends who do not call themselves as the Salaf , or Salafi . In fact they are the best people this people .
After writing the book DSDB 2 : Responding to Allegations ( MT ) , Al Thalibi no longer use the term Salafi , but chose the term Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah ( or Ahlu Sunnah ) . Knowledge , this last term has no basis more than the term Salafi Syar'i . However , for the understanding of the teachings of the term Salafi Salaf Salih , not a term for a person or group of people in an age now , he still accepted .
Essential Salafi is that as is illustrated by the Prophet : " ... stand firm to the unbelievers , but compassionate to their fellow ( fellow believer ) ... " ( Surah Al- Fath : 29 ) .
When parse some verses of the Qur'an on the properties of the Companions ra , then the inside of the Salaf Salih has noble qualities following :
1. straight creed , worship Allah , by not turning to his allies in any form .

2. Lead the Holy Prophet , his teachings justify , glorify Syari'atnya , defending glory, as well as walking on the light direction.

As a consequence of the emergence of monotheism is Al Wala ' Wal Bara ' , which is set Wala ' ( allegiance ) to those who believe , and set Bara ' ( anti loyalty ) to the unbelievers .

The prayer ( in congregation for men ) , give charity , menginfakkan most sustenance while roomy and narrow .

Itsar attitudes , that puts you a believer , despite themselves deficient conditions and needs .

His life is beneficial for others , like the palm tree fruit sellau issued in every season .

Always told to do good and forbidding from evil deeds ( enjoining the good and forbidding the evil discharge ) .

Noble, away from the vanity , maintain self-respect , trust and jani - menunai promise . Anger , forgiving people, and not melayanu words pranksters .

Dhikr constantly remember Allah in the morning and evening , not lalain of dhikr due flurry of trading , buying and selling , work etc. .

Fulfill the rights persausaraan ( brotherhood ) , no insults , no reproach , no call with bad carpet , avoiding prejudice , tajassus ( find fault ) , and backbiting ( gossip ) .

11. Soft heart for always repent , seek forgiveness of sins , and quickly stops from indecency .

Jihad in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives , and not faint or languid face the risk of jihad in Allah's path .
Many Muslims who do not know about the Salafi and Wahabi
Many Muslims who do not know about the Salafi and Wahabi - written by Slow Area , published at 4:56 PM . And has 0 comments
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