But miracles every prophet and apostle different . It is adapted to the character and condition of his people, which is the object of propaganda. Then, if the miracle of Prophet Muhammad ?
The scholars agreed , among the many miracles that Allah gave to the Prophet Muhammad , the greatest is the Koran . The Qur'an is the holy book of scriptures complement the previous prophets . The Qur'an not only clue to achieve happiness of life for Muslims , but also the entire human race .
One of the wonders of the Qur'an , its authenticity is maintained and not changed a bit since it was first revealed on the night of 17 Ramadan 14 centuries ago until Judgement . Authenticity of the Qur'an is guaranteed by God , as in his words , " Verily, We have sent down the Qur'an , and the fact we also really care for it. " ( Surat al - Hijr : 9 )
This is proof of the authenticity of the Qur'an that kept many penghafal born into the world , and the scientific study of the verses that never stops . Kejaibannya , although the Qur'an revealed 14 centuries ago , but the verses that explain a lot about the future and scientific nature . Even with the advancement of science and technology today , many Quranic verses that are proven true . Scientists have proved the truth of it through a number of experimental scientific research .
Here are some scientific facts Qur'an compiled from various sources , in which current scientific findings were consistent with the verses .
1. Facts about iron
"Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with bringing tangible evidence and We sent down with them the Bible and the balance (of justice) so that people can carry out justice. And We send down (anzalnaa) iron which contained her great strength and benefits for mankind, (that they use iron it) and that Allah may know who helps (religion) His and His apostles, but God has not seen. Verily Allah Almighty powerful ruler again. "
In this verse, the word "anzalnaa" means "we sent down" is used to designate an iron. If interpreted figuratively word "anzalnaa" explains that the iron was created for the benefit of humans.
When interpreting the word literally, ie "the material handed down from the sky", the obtained means that the iron down from the sky. Some scientists have proved the truth of that verse. Iron particles do not originate from Earth but from outer space objects.
At the very least, there are nine verses in the Qur'an which discuss and explain about the iron. One of them, "And Allah has given you shelter from what He has created, and He made for you shelters in the mountains, and He made you garments that take care of you from the heat and clothing (armor) who cares for you in battle . Thus Allah complete His favor upon you that ye may surrender (unto Him). "(Surat an-Nahl: verse 81)
2. The fact of creation in pairs
According to this verse, Allah created the pairs not only humans, but all things that grow from the earth and various particles that are not visible to the eye.
A British scientist Paul Dirac, successfully conducted a study that proved that matter is created in pairs. His invention is called 'parite. He obtained the Nobel Prize in physics in 1933 for his discovery.
3. Facts about the solar system orbits
Many verses in the Quran that describe the universe and solar system. Some of them such as:
"It is He who created night and day, sun and moon. Each one of them was circulating in an orbit. "(Surat al-Anbiya: 33)
"And the sun runs its circulation in place. Thus the provisions of the All-Mighty, the Knower. "(Surah Ya Sin: 38)
"And We ordained for months manzilah-manzilah, so (after he got to the last manzilah) he returned as a bunch of old forms." (Surah Ya Sin: 39)
"It is not possible to get the moon and the sun can not precede malampun afternoon. And each circulating in an orbit. "(Surah Ya Sin: 40)
Astronomical observations have proved the truth of this fact. According to astronomers, the sun is moving very fast with speeds reaching 720 thousand km per hour toward the star Vega in a particular orbit called the Solar Apex.
In addition to the sun, all the planets and satellites in the solar system gravity is also walking distance. All the stars in the universe are also in a similar motion.
4. Facts about the creation of man in 3 stages
"He created you from a single self, then He made thereof He dropped to his wife and eight tails you that pairs of animals. He made you in your mother's belly three events have in the dark. Who (do) That is Allah, your Lord, Lord of the kingdom. There is no God (worthy of worship) but He: then how can ye deluded? "
The development of modern biology has been successful in uncovering clues from the text. The growth of the baby in the womb through three stages (three of darkness). The Qur'an uses the term 'dark' because it is the process of the creation of man in the belly of the mother in the womb occurs in the dark. Stages, the first, pre-embryonic phase, the zygote grows larger through cell division later became segumpalan cells immerse themselves in the uterine wall. As the growth of the zygote, constituent cells organize themselves to form three layers.
Second, the embryonic stage which lasted five and a half weeks. Babies at this stage are called "embryonic". Organs and systems of the body also begins to form.
The third stage of the fetus, which began 8 months of pregnancy until birth. At this stage the baby has human-like face, hands and legs.
5. Facts about the sex of the baby
The Qur'an has explained the fact that in a letter an-Najm verses 45-46, "He who created pairs of men and women, from semen, when emitted."
Before the discovery was obtained, people assume that the origin of sex from women.
6. Facts about human fingerprints
Qur'an surah Al Qiyaamah verses 3-4 describe the power of God to reunite the remains of the dead, even God is also able to reconstitute his fingertips perfectly.
Surah Al Qiyamah verses 3-4:
"Does man think that We will not collect (back) his bones?"
"Not so, in fact we construct the power (back) with his fingers perfectly."
7. Facts about breastfeeding babies for 2 years
Breast milk or breast milk is beneficial for babies. Breast milk is the best food source for infants and contain substances that can boost immunity. No man-made milk that can rival the quality of breast milk.
Luqman Koran verse 14 letter recommends men to do good to his parents, his mother had been contained in a weakened state that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. The letter explains that the best time to give breast milk to a baby is 2 years old because it gives a lot of benefits.
"And We have commanded man (doing good) to his two mother-father; mother had conceived him in a weakened state that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your father mother two, just to your return is mine. "
8. Facts about the relativity of time
"And they ask thee to hasten in order to doom it, but God will never violate His promise. A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. "(Surat al-Hajj: 47)
"He directs the whole affair from heaven to earth, and then (the affairs of) it up to Him in a day whose levels (the length of) a thousand years of your reckoning." (Surat as-Sajda: 5)
"The angels and Gabriel up (facing) to the Lord in that day whereof fifty thousand years." (Surah Al Ma'arij: 4)
Some other Quranic verse explains, humans perceive time differently sometimes, a short time can seem long and vice versa.
9. Facts about mountain
"And they ask thee to hasten in order to doom it, but God will never violate His promise. A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. "(Surat al-Hajj: 47)
"He directs the whole affair from heaven to earth, and then (the affairs of) it up to Him in a day whose levels (the length of) a thousand years of your reckoning." (Surat as-Sajda: 5)
"The angels and Gabriel up (facing) to the Lord in that day whereof fifty thousand years." (Surah Al Ma'arij: 4)
Some other Quranic verse explains, humans perceive time differently sometimes, a short time can seem long and vice versa.
10. Facts about the dark ocean floor
Dark seabed conditions can only be known after the invention of advanced technology. But the Qur'an has described the state of the ocean floor since thousands of years ago before the technology was discovered. Qur'an Surat an-Nur verse 40 explains the scientific facts.
"Or like the darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed by the waves, the waves on it (anyway), on it (again) clouds, darkness is overlap-overlapping, when he took his hand, Nor he can see it, (and) whoever is not given a light (guidance) by God Nor had he the slightest light. "(Surat an-Nuur: 40).
source: SMSs / sec / HK / LJK
Still there are many who doubt the coming of Imam Mahdi (Mahamati Prannath) whilst there (were and) are still many who (had proclaimed and) proclaim to be the appointed one (Imam Mahdi). If that's so, I would like you to ask following questions to those false claimants of Imam Mahdi (and their supposed believers) like Mīrzā Ghulām Aḥmad, Muḥammad bin abd Allah al-Qahtani, Riaz Aḥmed Gohar Shahi etc to name a few claimants:
Can your Mahdi's claimant say that his entire life is fully based on the events described in the holy Quran ? If it is, then simply mention one. Only one.
True Mahdi is present only in Alif Lam Mim (Mahamati Prannath) and what more bigger authentication than the Events or the stories of the Quran itself. Recall the event (or story, to understand) in the life of Rasul (saw) when he was bewitched by a Jew (11 knots). The encrypted message of that event is actually the coming of Imam Mahdi in 11th century Hijri. Each knot of the 11 total knots represent a century and in each century a knot actually unties. Therefore, 1100 Hijri years meant the liberation of all the 11 knots and the starting of the Fajr (or the dawn) of Imam Mahdi's Khilafah(reign). The holy Quran backs this analogy in 34:29,30 whereby the coming of Qiyamat (Judgment day) will be known. Recall the holy Quran that 1 day = 1000 years and 1 night = 100 years of Allah. So, 1000 + 100 = the date of the starting of the dawn of the Judgment day, the glorious coming of Alif Lam Mim.
For more, go to:
http://sanandhonline.blogspot.com/2013/05/alif-lam-mim-unlocked-part-i.html and